
Research Articles:

1. Simsek MF, Chandel AS, Saparov D, Zinani OQH, Clason N, Özbudak EM, "Periodic inhibition of Erk activity drives sequential somite segmentation", Nature (2023). Cross Ref

2. Simsek MF and Özbudak EM, "A 3-D tail explant culture to study vertebrate segmentation in zebrafish", J Vis Exp (2021). Cross Ref

3. Keskin S, Simsek MF, Vu HT, Yang C, Devoto SH, Ay A, Özbudak EM, "Regulatory network of the scoliosis-associated genes establishes rostrocaudal patterning of somites in zebrafish", iScience (2019). Cross Ref

4. Simsek MF and Özbudak EM, "Spatial fold change of Fgf signaling encodes positional information for segmental determination in zebrafish", Cell Reports (2018). Cross Ref

5. Weixiang J, Simsek MF, Pralle A, "Quantifying spatial and temporal variations of the cell membrane ultra-structure by bimFCS", Methods (2018). Cross Ref

6. Huang H*, Simsek MF*, Weixiang J, Pralle A, "Effect of receptor dimerization on membrane lipid raft structure continuously quantified on single cells by camera based fluorescence correlation spectroscopy", PLoS One (2015). Cross Ref

Review & Viewpoint Articles:

1. McDaniel C, Simsek MF, Chandel AS, Özbudak EM, "Spatiotemporal control of pattern formation during somitogenesis" Science Advances (2024). Cross Ref

2. Simsek MF and Özbudak EM, "A design logic for sequential segmentation across organisms" FEBS Journal (2023). Cross Ref

3. Simsek MF and Özbudak EM, "Human stem cell models unravel mechanisms of somite segmentation" Cell Stem Cell (2023). Cross Ref

4. Simsek MF and Özbudak EM, "Patterning principles of morphogen gradients" Open Biology (2022). Cross Ref